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Aesthetic Medicine

What’s Botox?

Botox, which is one of the first methods that come to mind when it comes to medical aesthetics, is the most effective and easy method to get rid of aging signs and mimic lines and wrinkles. It is also applied to wrinkles, eyebrows, wrinkles, upper lip wrinkles, neck wrinkles, armpit wrinkles, hands, and feet to prevent sweating.



Wrinkles are lines that are engraved on the skin due to repeating the same expression thousands of times. Wrinkles are also called ik goose legs eri due to their ”expression-mimic lines” or shapes. The cause of wrinkles is the prolonged contractions of muscles under the skin.

Botox is a bacterial toxin obtained from the botulinum toxin and the trade name of the drug, which allows the muscles to relax in the area where they are applied and that the skin is stretched for a certain period of time. It acts only at the muscle level at which it is applied, and has no effect outside the application site. By blocking the movement of the muscles in the applied area, it can restrict or completely eliminate mimics.

Excessive sweating is considered a health problem rather than a cosmetic problem. Although many methods have been tried to prevent excessive sweating, much success is not achieved. Botox application, sweat glands that cause excessive sweating fiber blocking, is effective in reducing or stopping the problem. Its effect lasts from 6 to 12 months.

Botox is called snake venom, but it has nothing to do with reality. It is a well-known but actually wrong city legend.


Application Time

The application is anesthetized with the previous anesthetic cream application area. Inject Botox into the muscle from a few points with the help of a special needle with a very fine tip. It takes about 10-15 minutes. During the application, the patient does not experience any painful pain.

The effect of the application starts after 3-4 days and reaches the maximum level on the 15th day. The duration of the effect is 4 months on average and at 6 months it completely disappears and the area of application is restored. When used as an antiperspirant, the duration of action is longer.

Who Can Be Applied To

Patients with the best results are always the right patients at the right time. Before and after the application at a young age, wrinkles are not clear enough, then the patient will not feel the difference will delight.

If the advanced age and wrinkles are very advanced and deepened, the desired efficiency cannot be obtained with only botox. These patients should be thoroughly examined and informed about both botox and other methods.

Botox treatment has no adverse side effects. Since it is used in a very small amount for aesthetic purposes, there is no undesirable effect after correct application, there is no swelling, bruising, or redness. Rarely, temporary headaches may be seen after the application. There is no risk when trained by an experienced specialist. Migraine is one of the most frequently received returns. For 4 hours after the application, the patient is not required to lie on his face and tilt his head. On the same day the solarium, skin care, hairdresser, pool, and sports are not recommended.



What is the best type of Acid Hyaluronic?

Hyaluronic acid fillers are, as the name implies, made of hyaluronic acid. This is a protective lubricating gel that your body produces naturally. These fillers are the most popular on the market today because they are soft, create a natural look, and are extremely safe and versatile.


What type of Acid Hylauronic is the most durable?

According to many plastic surgeons, Juvederm and Restylane are the most durable and long-lasting fillers available. Both contain hyaluronic acid, which helps to smooth wrinkles and lines. Hyaluronic acid holds 1,000 times its weight in water and gives the skin a youthful, supple, and soft appearance.


What  is Hyaluronic Acid?

The amount of Hyaluronic acid, which protects the moisture in the skin and makes it look more alive and younger, starts to decrease as the age increases. The most important feature of hyaluronic acid is abundant water retention. Naturally, the aging skin increases water loss, resulting in deep and permanent wrinkles.

A filling application is usually used to remove wrinkles and collapses in the face area. These creases and collapses are caused by decreasing support materials. Especially in the mouth corner sagging, to remove wrinkles on the nose, to fill the cheekbones, fill the pit pores, lips plump and the contour of the aesthetic filling applications are the first choice to clarify. Also in recent years, the application of filler is often preferred for shaping the nose and jaw without plastic surgery.


Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid

Destroy the lines descending from the edge of the nose (nasolabial lines)
Destroying the lines between the nose and the mouth (Philtral lines)
Plump lip, remove corners and destroy radial lines around
Camouflage eye bags and potholes to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes
Destroy the lines on the forehead
Remove eyebrows
Deleting acne traces
Correcting deformities caused by accident or trauma
Plumping cheeks and cheekbones
To give volume to the jaw and to clarify the corner of the jaw
Nose surgery
Correct some asymmetries in the body


What is the procedure for Hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid and the patient’s own fat tissue are used as fillers. An anesthetic cream may be applied to the area to be treated before injection. Tissue fillers are manufactured as ready to use inside the injector. A fine-tipped needle is applied to the area where it is planned to be treated by injecting the appropriate dose of tissue filler. The application period lasts between 15-20 minutes on average. Patients are advised to apply short-term ice after injection. There are no serious side effects after the application. Even on the day of the application, the patient can continue his / her daily life and activities in the same way. The effectiveness of the treatment manifests within 5-7 days, while its effect lasts for 6-12 months on average.

Under-eye fillings are an effective method used in the treatment of bruising and under-eye. One week after light filling is applied to the area complained of under the eye, there is a reduction in enlightenment and tired appearance under the eye. The advantage of this filling is that it looks natural and does not cause edema in the eye. The effect lasts an average of 12 months.

Two days after the filling process is not heavy sports. For a certain period of time, swimming pool, solarium, sauna, baths, laser treatments, hairdresser, skincare, dental treatment (for lip filling), alcohol consumption, excessive hot bath and face is not recommended to lie. It is useful to relax at home and lie on your back. Lightweight massages can be performed with expert advice.

In people with extreme acne and lip areas in the facial region, no application is made to the relevant areas. FDA-approved products prove reliability. Since it is a temporary application, it is excreted safely from the body within 9-12 months on average.

Although the procedure seems to be a simple injection, patient complaints and requests must be evaluated by a qualified physician in order to determine the most appropriate treatment options before the procedure.


Which Hyaluronic Acid has a two-year lifespan?

Some dermal fillers have been shown in studies to last up to two years. Restylane Lyft, Restylane Defyne, Restylane Refyne, Juvederm, Voluma, Radiesse, and Sculptra are the three fillers that last the longest.


Is Hyaluronic Acid safe?

The filling should not be applied during pregnancy and during lactation.
In patients with an active infection in the field of application (inflammation, wounds, and herpes, etc.)
Keloidal and hypertrophic scar (in patients with a history of poor wound.healing)
Patients with autoimmune diseases (polymyositis/dermatomyositis)
Immunodeficiency diseases (defense system disorders)
Antibiotics may be present in the course of some fillers. Care should be taken in patients with drug allergies.
Some preparation of fillers may include painkillers such as Lidocaine. Caution should be exercised in hypersensitivity to lidocaine.

What is Cellulite Treatments With Mesotherapy?

Cellulite, which causes a wavy and rough (orange peel) appearance caused by jammed fat cells, is frequently seen in women, especially in the hip, leg, abdomen, and arm regions. Cellulite, which is claimed to be caused only by the hormone estrogen, which is a woman-specific hormone, is seen in 85% of women nowadays, while it is not common in men.

One of the most effective methods of cellulite treatment is cellulitis mesotherapy. Mesotherapy is the treatment of middle skin. Drugs taken orally or injected into the body cannot reach adequate concentrations in the problem tissue and may also have the potential for systemic side effects. Mesotherapy is a procedure with small injections to the problem area. It provides the possibility to administer the drug at a therapeutic dose to the problem area without the risk of systemic side effects.


Ready-made drug mixes can be used in cellulitis mesotherapy and the physician may prepare a drug cocktail depending on the patient’s condition. Drugs in the cocktail regulate lymph and blood flow in the cellulite region and cause the breakage of fibrous rigid bonds that cause orange peel appearance. It also corrects the microcirculation and prevents the formation of edema in the tissue, breaks down the fat and decreases the fat nodules. Reconfigures impaired connective tissue to improve cellulite appearance.

Application Time

The number of injections during the procedure varies depending on the size of the area to be treated, the problem and the location. The pain felt is quite low. The passage of the injected drug into the systemic circulation is almost negligible. The mild redness after the application and the subsequent bruises are completely temporary.
The duration of treatment effect according to the degree of cellulite varies from person to person. Generally, the results start to take 2-3 sessions. 10 sessions of cure are generally sufficient to be applied once a week. But cellulite mesotherapy along with a balanced diet, and regular exercise, to reduce/leave harmful habits is also great support for treatment. It is not a dream to have a proper skin appearance with cellulite mesotherapy repeated at certain time intervals. In addition, if the treatment process is also supported by a low-calorie diet, the degree of efficacy can be increased.

Who Can Be Applied To

It is a method that can be applied to patients with cellulitis problems of all ages.



What's Treatment Of Blemishes And Scars With Laser?

Different types of skin blemishes may occur in our bodies, especially for various reasons and factors. These skin stains, which are darker than the normal skin color, do not threaten our lives, cause a number of aesthetic cosmetic problems, and may even lead to a number of psychological disorders that may affect the social life of some people. Skin spots should therefore be treated. Melanin is the pigmenting material that gives color to our skin. Skin spots are areas where the amount of melanin is high. Melanin accumulates in large amounts in certain areas and forms skin spots due to various reasons. Some of these stains originate from birth, some in adolescence, some from aging, some from sun and external factors as a result of damage to our skin.


Scars may occur in different parts of the body for different reasons. A full-thickness incision in the skin always leaves a mark. But the remaining trace differs in everyone and in every region. The reason for this may be a surgical incision, burn, or any injury. Every condition that disrupts the integrity of the skin will heal. Only the top layer of our skin is capable of self-renewal. Injuries under this layer will certainly heal. Numerous operations, injuries and accidents can occur in the human body. These traces may disrupt the psychology of the person in the areas that appear especially to the face and cause them to feel self-esteem and bad in the society. Everyone wants to get rid of these tracks altogether, but it is not possible to completely disappear. But the traces can be reduced to a great extent, or a more ambiguous appearance can be achieved.


Laser treatment of scars and scars is a popular treatment method applied to the face, back and chest due to time or physical factors to remove the scars and scars and to give the skin brightness and vitality.


During the application of stain treatment, laser energy is absorbed heavily by melanin-containing cells, while the other normal skin color cells are virtually unaffected. Many types of blemishes can be completely lost by the laser treatment of the blemishes, or they become rather vague.

Usually badly healed traces are both fluffy, enlarged and red. With the laser application, the fluffy trail is lowered to the skin level. Redness allowed to fade in the skin color and allow a reduction in permissible width.

Application Time

One session of this application, which is not felt pain during the procedure, is completed within an average of 30 minutes. After application, a sudden reduction of subcutaneous collagen fibers by 30% occurs. In the next 1-3 months, new collagen formation under the skin and subcutaneous connective tissue reorganization occur. As a result of this, the skin becomes rejuvenated, and there is a high level of reduction in the stress, roughness of the skin, stains and marks. Pores become narrower, returning to the state of a few years ago. The number and frequency of the session is decided by the specialist doctor according to the size of the problem.


After treatment, the doctor’s recommended moisturizers and sun protection creams can be used.

Who Can Be Applied To

The treatment can be performed in people with normal health status and hormonal values, as well as other laser treatments, and where the laser does not pose a risk.


What are Non-Surgical Eyelid Aesthetics?

Nowadays, aesthetic surgery is possible with plasma treatment. This treatment, which can be applied in all areas, from the lower and upper eyelid bags to the wrinkles around the eyes, can also be applied to warts, eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, wounds, spots, and stains that do not go through medication and cosmetic products.


Non-surgical Eyelid Treatment provides durability (5-10 years) for the time period in which the eyelid is operated. For wrinkles, depending on the age and situation, we can say that it provides an average of 1-2 years. Although it is applied at the same effective depths compared to other methods, it is a treatment that minimizes the known risks and keeps the comfort of the person at the highest level before, during and after the application.

Application Time

Before starting the procedure, the application area is anesthetized with an anesthetic cream. The sessions range from 20-40 minutes according to the patient’s eye structure. In practice, the problematic exterior surface of the skin is evaporated, the new tissue process is started with this system and after the treatment, the excess eyelid tissue begins to recover. There are no side effects on vision.


According to the eye structure, 1 to 3 sessions are required per month. Wrinkles and eyelids may not be enough to be operated in a single session. In order to obtain an effective result, a comprehensive program of the skin structure and the social life of the person should be taken into consideration.

After the application, the liquid foundation is closed. After the problem zone is evaporated, the crustaceous fraction decreases in 5-7 days and the desired healing is achieved. Cleaning with baby soaps is recommended, no cosmetics or medicines are used. Surely color liquid sunscreen should be applied.

Who Can Be Applied To

It is not suitable for people with immune system diseases, those with skin problems, those who have wounds or infections in the application area, and pregnant women.


What's Tattoo Removal?

Laser light is energy. If you wait for a while under the sun in a dark outfit, you will notice that your clothing and skin are warm. Because dark paints absorb light and turn into heat. It works with a similar principle in laser. Dark dyes absorb the laser light and cause tissue response in the form of heat, sound or evaporation.


Each tattoo can usually be destroyed, but not always. Tattoo wiping lasers are manufactured with the latest technology. It is possible to wipe the skin with many primary colors. The laser beams used to destroy tattoos reach the dark surface of the skin without damaging the skin. The tattoo pigment absorbs the laser light and converts the light energy into sound and heat. Thus, the pigment in the form of large particles in the skin is decomposed into small particles without damaging the surrounding tissue with the energy released. The body’s immune system absorbs and destroys tattoo paint that has been decomposed into small particles.

Application Time

The treatment area must be protected from the sun before the laser tattoo is removed. Do not take aspirin and other painkillers and medicines that can dilute the blood on the day of treatment and 1 day before the treatment. If iron medication is used, it should be discontinued 1 week before treatment.


Pain during tattoo removal is in fact personal but usually has a very low pain. In order to relieve this pain, an anesthetic cream can be applied to numb the area of ​​administration prior to the procedure. During laser tattoo wiping, the tattoo is temporarily white. This may mean that the laser is effective.

After the process, the laser tattoo area must be regularly sprayed with ice. The patient should keep the treatment area as far as possible. The cream recommended by the doctor should be applied to the treatment area and 2 days of hot water, sauna and steam bath should be avoided. If there is skin crusting, it should not be entered into the sea or pool until the crusting is resolved.

The session intervals for tattoo wiping are 6-8 weeks. In the treatment of laser tattoo removal, skin crusting resolves within 3-4 days. Despite normalization of the skin surface, the removal of the dye triggered under the skin continues. For this reason, the removal of the body can be removed as much as possible and normalization of the skin support tissue should be expected. Second or further sessions with laser tattoo removal are taken at the earliest 6-8 weeks. Sometimes it is also possible to extend the extension further. The number of sessions used in laser wiping of the tattoo determines the amount of paint used, the technique applied, and the type of laser used. The number of tattoo wiping sessions is in the range of 4-10.




Treatments with the GentleMAX PRO can last anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour, depending on the size or number of areas treated. Furthermore, clients should expect 6 to 8 treatments followed by a few touchups at preferential pricing to aid in the maintenance of smooth skin.



The laser's energy is drawn to the pigment of hair in the same way that sunlight is drawn to darker clothing. As a result, laser hair removal works best on people who have dark, coarse hair and a light complexion. However, even without this combination, people can achieve good results. If you are tanned, we recommend that you protect your skin and let it lighten before being treated for the best results.



You will notice a reduction in hair immediately after the first treatment, with progressive improvements with each subsequent treatment.



You can make an appointment for a free consultation with one of our highly trained laser technicians. This allows us to better determine the best protocol for your skin type, coloration, hair type, and color.



We like to call laser hair removal "permanent hair reduction." Your hair follicles are targeted with laser pulses during each treatment.

Some of your hair follicles are dormant at times, while others are active. The active follicles are targeted during each treatment and do not regrow in the same way. Some of your dormant hair follicles may become active between treatments and be treated in your subsequent session. As a result, after six to eight sessions, the majority of your hair follicles should be treated.

Some clients experience almost complete hair elimination, while others experience hair reduction to the point where what remains is only a fraction of the previous levels.



We treat women's facial hair, legs, underarms, arms, bikini, and Brazilian treatments.



IPL is an acronym that stands for intense pulsed light, and an IPL machine is not a laser. IPL is primarily used in photorejuvenation treatments. Forever Young BBL photorejuvenation treatments are available, which you can learn more about here. We discovered that lasers for hair removal are safer, faster, more effective, and less painful







Anti Aging

What is Ultherapy?

FDA-cleared Ultherapy

Ultherapy uses time-tested ultrasound energy to lift and tighten the skin naturally—without surgery or downtime.


The Non-invasive Lift

Ultherapy is the only non-invasive procedure FDA-cleared to lift skin on the neck, under the chin, and on the eyebrow. Now also FDA-cleared to improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the décolletage, Ultherapy can help you achieve a fresher look from your brow to your chest!


Focused Ultrasound. No Surgery.

Ultherapy harnesses the power of ultrasound to transform the brow, chin, neck and chest. Ultrasound, of course, has been used throughout the medical field for more than 50 years—and Ultherapy has been established as effective in clinical studies* and in over a million treatments worldwide.

Ultherapy relies on ultrasound therapy to deliver its collagen-boosting treatment. It also incorporates traditional ultrasound imaging, which allows practitioners to see the layers of tissue they are treating, ensuring the treatment energy is delivered to where it will be most beneficial.


How Ultherapy Works


Builds New Collagen

The Ultherapy® procedure stimulates collagen production by delivering focused ultrasound energy to the skin’s foundational layer typically addressed in cosmetic surgery—without cutting or disrupting the surface of the skin.


No Toxins or Needles

Unlike lasers, radio frequency, surgery and other technologies, non-surgical Ultherapy bypasses the surface of the skin to deliver the right amount of ultrasound energy at the right depths and the right temperature. This energy triggers a natural response under the skin, jumpstarting the regenerative process that produces fresh, new collagen.


No Downtime. Natural Results.

Some patients see an initial effect right after their treatment, but the real results appear over 2−3 months* as new collagen works to lift and tighten skin on the neck, chin and brow as well as smooth skin on the chest. While Ultherapy won’t duplicate the results of a facelift, it’s a clinically proven non-invasive alternative for those not ready for surgery—and can even be an option for patients who wish to extend the effects of cosmetic surgery.


What’s The Gold Needle?

Our skin, which is adversely affected by advancing age, seasonal changes, air pollution, chemicals entering our lives in every area and our living conditions, age faster than our other organs. Depending on the effects of aging skin wrinkles and stains occur. In many laser applications used for the healthy and youthful appearance of the skin, the Golden Needle, which you can come across especially in recent years, comes directly under the skin without affecting the surface of the skin; makes the skin look bright and tense, and healthy.


With this application, thin wrinkles, neck and décolleté region recovery, skin rejuvenation, acne scars, dimples and scars, burn marks, acne and detention are used effectively in the treatment of bruises and pore tightening.

Application Time

Before the gold needle (fractional radiofrequency application), the area to be treated is cleaned and the cream with the effect of anesthesia is applied. During the procedure, the skin is injected under the skin with real micro-needles. Thanks to the conductivity of the gold, the tissue is stimulated without degradation and the collagen is activated to regenerate the skin. Application time varies depending on the region but usually takes 30-45 minutes. After the procedure, the skin rashes spontaneously within 1-2 hours, and the patients return to their normal life after the application.

The application of the Golden Needle is effective from the first session and results in long-lasting success. At the end of the procedure, the repair continues and the skin rejuvenation becomes more evident day by day. How many sessions can be reached for the desired result is directly proportional to the size of the problem in the applied area. Therefore, the number of sessions varies depending on the procedure performed by the doctor. The application area must be protected from the sun. For this, sunscreen cream should be used.

Who Can Be Applied To

Gold Needle is an application that can be applied to all skin types and colors of all ages and has been proven to be successful in terms of clinical results.

What's PRP?

PRP is a Platelet Rich Plasma is the abbreviation for platelet and clot cell-enriched plasma application.

When there is any damage to our tissues, our blood collects the clot cells into this tissue and initiates the repair process. The aim of the PRP is to deliver tissue clots faster and more powerfully, giving them a greater number of clot cells to the target tissue than can be transported by the bloodstream. In this way, skin regeneration and rejuvenation are provided.

PRP, which is one of the most preferred applications among skin rejuvenation applications, has been developed in recent years. a more serum is obtained. Clot cells and growth factors in the serum obtained by the PRP application are propagated to the lower tissues of the skin to replenish the skin by multiplying the formation of new collagen and intercellular material.

The Benefits of PRP

It is used in all areas that require skin regeneration, such as wrinkles, neck and decolletage, removal of wrinkles, collapse and elasticity on the hands, treatment of fractures, wounds, stains and detention bruises, reduction of hair loss and re-emergence of hair, and successful results are obtained. For deep wrinkles, the mixture turns into a gel immediately after subcutaneous administration. This gel exhibits a strong effect in eliminating volume losses by initiating a dense tissue repair process. The PRP gel not only acts as a volumizing filler but also initiates the formation of a new tissue that is the same as the surrounding tissue. Since this filling material belongs to the individual, it does not have any allergic side effects.

Application Time

Before application, the face is anesthetized with cream within 15 minutes. Taking blood from the patient’s arm and centrifuging the blood takes about 15 minutes. The resulting serum is injected into the skin in small amounts such as mesotherapy and widely within a period of 10-15 minutes. The patient does not feel any pain during the application. All operations from beginning to end are done in the same environment for technical and hygienic reasons. There is no serious redness or pain after the application.

There is no problem with overdose in PRP applications. The complete PRP can be used. In general, a mesotherapy kit provides a total of 4-8 milliliters of PRP. This is sufficient to treat all areas such as the face, neck, décolleté, outside of the arms, and the interior of the legs.

After the application, a vividness and shine occur on the skin. Afterward, this healthy appearance is slightly regressed, but after a full course of administration (4 applications), the permanent effect becomes evident. In order to achieve a good result, it is necessary to make 4 injections at 3 weeks intervals. This 1 cycle of 4 treatments every 20 days is repeated every year, and its effect is equivalent to a permanent rejuvenating effects.

PRP can be applied to patients of all ages due to the diversity of the application area.



What is Acid Hyaluronic?

As time progresses, the skin becomes susceptible to drying. The amount of hyaluronic acid contained in the skin decreases with the contribution of environmental factors. In order to improve skin quality, it is often preferred to deliver Hyaluronic acid containing products into the skin by injection. The moisture vaccine is one of the most effective of these applications.

With one application, up to 9 months of moisturizing effect, texture, flexibility and color can be improved. It is a method that is frequently preferred by physicians and patients with its single application. Can be applied to the face, neck, décolleté and hands.

Benefits of Acid Hyaluronic?

It starts to show its effect immediately. Within a few days after the procedure, the patient begins to observe that his skin is almost as bright, moisturized and thin wrinkles are being softened. Weekly change is more evident. If we say that ‘kız healthy skin’ ’’ which does not contain moist and thin lines in terms of tissue, flexible and vivid in terms of flexibility, pigment and redness in terms of color renk, we can easily say that patients can reach a healthy skin after application of Moisture Vaccine.

How to Apply Hyaluronic Acid?

Prior to the application, the area to be treated is matched with the local anesthetic cream. Then inject the vaccine into the skin with small intervals. The application takes about 15 minutes.

No serious side effects were observed after the application. The slight redness that may occur will also occur after a short time. The patient can continue his normal life after the application. It is recommended that you do not shower with hot water and not consume alcohol in the same day.

The application can be applied to any skin and age group that needs it every season. It is not recommended to use in cancer treatment and pregnant women.



What’s Radio Frequency?

Radio Frequency is one of the simplest, safe, side-effect applications used for skin rejuvenation. This application is aimed to give a younger appearance by providing shaping and renewing the skin. Application areas, forehead, around the eyes, cheeks, mouth circumference, chin, and jaw under.


Face oval recovery, tightening
Reduction of thin lines and wrinkles on the face
Neck skin recovery, tightening
Removing eyebrows
Revitalization of skin

Application Time

No preparation is made before the application. During the application, existing collagen is tightened and new collagen is produced. When the radio waves reach the subcutaneous tissues, the patient feels a deep heat in the skin. This sense of heat indicates that the collagen has reached the required temperature to tighten.

The result of this application is 45 minutes. There are no side effects after the application. There may be very slight redness, which is spontaneous within half an hour. There is no need to pay attention after the application.

To achieve the desired results, a total of 4 sessions are required every 2 weeks. Then it is repeated once a year to ensure permanency.

Who Can Be Applied To

Suitable for people of all ages and skin types. It is not only suitable for people with heart and kidney failure who have platinum in their bodies.


Why do I need a chemical peel?

A chemical peel removes layers of skin with a chemical solution, revealing the more youthful skin beneath. Chemical peels can help to reduce or improve fine lines and wrinkles, acne, scars, uneven skin tone, and other skin flaws,


How good is a chemical peel beneficial to the skin?

A light chemical peel improves skin texture and tone while also reducing the visibility of fine wrinkles. The effects are subtle at first, but they become more noticeable as treatments are repeated. The treated skin will be noticeably smoother after a medium chemical peel.


Is a chemical peel beneficial to the skin?

A light chemical peel improves skin texture and tone while also reducing the visibility of fine wrinkles. The effects are subtle at first, but they become more noticeable as treatments are repeated. The treated skin will be noticeably smoother after a medium chemical peel.


Is it worthwhile to get a chemical peel?

Chemical peels are well worth it! Chemical peels are one of the most effective non-invasive cosmetic facial treatments for brighter, smoother skin. This non-invasive treatment removes the skin's outer layer, revealing the healthy, beautiful skin beneath.


How frequently should I have a chemical peel?

Those who only require or desire light peels can usually get them once a month. It's best to wait four or six months between appointments for more intense treatments, such as medium or peels. Those who want deep peels should do so only once every few years.

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